Sarah Palin's enemies are automatically added to the Endangered Species List.

calendar   Monday - December 29, 2008

Muslims protest before Israeli Embassy in London.

A not so “peaceful” protest by the followers of the ROP in London brought traffic to a standstill.

They were of course protesting the awful brutish bloodthirsty Israelis, who had the damn nerve to complain about rocket attacks against them, coming from Gaza.

Imagine that if you can.  Rockets fired from Gaza.  Israelis say stop. Hamas say haha what you gonna do about it?
Israel replies by going BOOM on Gaza and now these folks try and storm the Israeli Embassy in London and cause grief for bystanders.
That’s something muzzies have a habit of doing, isn’t it?  Here’s a shot of a peaceful muzzie. Looks perfectly reasonable. For a muslim. It almost looks human.


Way back in time before many of the folks here at BMEWS were around, there was a war in the Middle East in ‘48 and again in ‘67 and there were other times as well.  What I recall vividly however was the lack of any street protests by angry Jews.  What I do remember vividly were the stories and the arguments in the press, about the number of American Jews who volunteered to go over there and fight for Israel.  As American citizens they were not supposed to do that.
But it was early days for the young state and warm bodies were needed for the cause.  So they went.

They didn’t do street protests because there wasn’t time to engage in that sort of thing. Not that they had em much back in the late 40’s. But the point is, unlike these pictured protesters who will accomplish NOTHING but a traffic disruption, the Jews from America and I should mention the UK as well, in fact all that could go from where ever they were, did so.  This lame group of open mouthed non-entities find it much easier to shout at a building then go and actually fight for the ppl on whose behalf they are holding up traffic.

What?  you want them to fight?  Against armed Israelis? Go on.  Risk getting a boo-boo from an Israeli soldier or tank?  Much easier tossing bomb into crowd of unarmed civilians and safer too.  And a lot easier and cozy right here in London fighting traffic.

So there.  That’s my comment on this group of losers.  Now then ....

I’m ready for some Eye Candy.  So here.  Enjoy the shot.


Israeli Tank

Right. I see why they’d rather stay in London. 

UPDATE: Peiper, there was something wrong with your picture of the protester. Lemme see ... I think maybe I can ... you betcha!

See More Below The Fold


Posted by peiper   United States  on 12/29/2008 at 09:50 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - December 28, 2008

Government crackdown on offensive and harmful online activity to be launched in the New Year.

Well great. About time because, “it’s all for the kids.” Right?

Sure it is.  To start with.
But I have a worry here.  Please note he also would like to bring the office of the President (soon to be the O man) into this.
According to my reading, American sites could be involved.  Hey, the French already have Yahoo and Google restricted in some ways.
I just do not have a very trusting nature with regard to any govt. that talks about censorship. 

Having said all that, I do recognize there is a problem and there might be content online that’s totally off the wall and encourages behavior.
We know there are sites out there where those who are so inclined can find info on how to make explosives. Do we need that online?

I can’t pretend to have answers. Only questions. Bottom line?

I get nervous when officials with titles like “Culture Secretary” (Minister for public enlightenment and propaganda?) call for bans.  I’m never sure govts. know where the line gets drawn.

Internet sites could be given cinema-style age ratings as part of a Government crackdown on offensive and harmful online activity to be launched in the New Year, the Culture Secretary says.

By Robert Winnett,
Deputy Political Editor

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Andy Burnham says he believes that new standards of decency need to be applied to the web. He is planning to negotiate with Barack Obama’s incoming American administration to draw up new international rules for English language websites.

The Cabinet minister describes the internet as “quite a dangerous place” and says he wants internet-service providers (ISPs) to offer parents “child-safe” web services.

Giving film-style ratings to individual websites is one of the options being considered, he confirms. When asked directly whether age ratings could be introduced, Mr Burnham replies: “Yes, that would be an option. This is an area that is really now coming into full focus.”

ISPs, such as BT, Tiscali, AOL or Sky could also be forced to offer internet services where the only websites accessible are those deemed suitable for children.

His plans to rein in the internet, and censor some websites, are likely to trigger a major row with online advocates who ferociously guard the freedom of the world wide web.

However, Mr Burnham said: “If you look back at the people who created the internet they talked very deliberately about creating a space that Governments couldn’t reach. I think we are having to revisit that stuff seriously now.” It’s true across the board in terms of content, harmful content, and copyright. Libel is [also] an emerging issue.

“There is content that should just not be available to be viewed. That is my view. Absolutely categorical. This is not a campaign against free speech, far from it; it is simply there is a wider public interest at stake when it involves harm to other people. We have got to get better at defining where the public interest lies and being clear about it.”

Mr Burnham also wants new industry-wide “take down times”. This means that if websites such as YouTube or Facebook are alerted to offensive or harmful content they will have to remove it within a specified time once it is brought to their attention.

He also says that the Government is considering changing libel laws to give people access to cheap low-cost legal recourse if they are defamed online. The legal proposals are being drawn up by the Ministry of Justice.

Mr Burnham admits that his plans may be interpreted by some as “heavy-handed” but says the new standards drive is “utterly crucial”. Mr Burnham also believes that the inauguration of Barack Obama, the President-Elect, presents an opportunity to implement the major changes necessary for the web.

“The change of administration is a big moment. We have got a real opportunity to make common cause,” he says. “The more we seek international solutions to this stuff – the UK and the US working together – the more that an international norm will set an industry norm.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/28/2008 at 11:11 AM   
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calendar   Friday - December 26, 2008

PEIPER’S DECEMBER RANT and SHAMLESS BID FOR SYMPATHY which he’d get at a more liberal blog.

Snappy headline, what? Yeah well it’s the best I could do on short notice.

Peiper’s Dec. Rant.  12-26-08

Dear Bmews Diary,

A very tiring day and I mean eyes closing as I write.  Not so much due anything we did today.  Fairly lazy day overall except for lunatic news stories which are posted. No.

What has me ready to fall asleep was an overlong visit from a cousin of the wife. Two hours and twenty minutes of non stop talk by Cousin Jo.

She is a kindly and charitable person but alas, brain dead.  I haven’t a clue how she has survived the 19th century. Oh sorry. I meant the 20th. century.

She always has to be asked finally, and somewhat kindly, please leave now.  And it still takes her somewhere between ten and twenty minutes to do that.

She has been taking a senior citizen computer class and sad to say her problem is mostly that she is NOT a listener.  She manages to get everything screwed up.  And she can NEVER tell a tale from A to Z without serious detours.

She is telling us about a class she has been in for months now in the village of Weeke.  A village not far from here.

“The class is made up of and I don’t know what I’d have done if I hadn’t caught the #18 bus in London oh but wait, no, no before that I went to Peters Street where I got the #32 , oh lets see, yes that’s right, which went as far as ????? where I got the #20 bus which runs and then when I finally got the #18 bus but the #32 was late anyway.”

How the F&%! did we manage to be on all those fracken London buses in the village of Weeke next door???????  They’re over a hundred miles apart anyway.

She doesn’t come over often but every time she does I make it clear what our routine is here due to the old lady’s care and the wife is quite tired yadda,yadda.  And every single time she says sorry she didn’t know and we dance the same dance.

At 5:10pm I said Jo, ya know Jean is usually in bed by this time. She’s up late, she’s tired and I need a break too.

Oh dear says she. I’m sorry. I must be getting off now oh Jean.  I won’t keep you.  But my wife (the one who’s civilized here) makes the mistake of saying “Oh that’s ok Jo.” So Jo drags out her leave taking and asks, oh where’s my coat, while turning in a complete circle as though she is looking for her coat, which is on a chair in the entrance hall right through the door to her right. Just inside the front door.
I mean, this isn’t Windsor Castle after all.  One does not get lost in this tiny three rooms downstairs bungalow.

But she does finally exit the front door at 5:20pm. What happened between 5:10 and 5:20 then?  Oh boy, oh boy I’m glad you asked.

She was getting instructions from my sainted wife on, “ HOW TO READ IN BED.”

What?  You think I have the imagination to make that up?
No kidding.  She says her problem is that every time she tries to read in bed, the book falls on her head.

No, that is not the problem. The problem is that you are BRAIN DEAD!


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/26/2008 at 04:05 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - December 25, 2008


Even if there’s only one person to stop by here on the day ... then this is for us.  I’m including myself and naturally it HAS to be Country Music, given my background.

So Merry Christmas to anyone falling by here today.

I will soon be off to a traditional English Christmas day dinner with a neighbor who has been hosting this family every Christmas for forty years.

Couldn’t get it all in this one shot but, the chef is a GREAT cook. I must marry her in the next life before friend and husband Tim meets her.
All the veggies grown in their own garden btw. 

Christmas of 2007



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/25/2008 at 04:46 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - December 23, 2008



Christmas 2008

As the year comes to it’s close I want to wish a very Merry Christmas to all of you wherever you are.  Most especially however my thoughts are home and with my compatriots so a special Merry Christmas to you in the USA.
My Home Sweet Home.

I cannot post this and end the year without singling out two really special people here at BMEWS.  Now unless you’re a kitten or a puppy or maybe my wife, I am not a touchy-feely person at all.  However, I have to single out Mr. Christian and Drew.

I was fairly new to BMEWS a year ago and certainly very new to the blogging world.
I have a computer, a keyboard and an opinion or two and Mr. Christian emailed me and invited me to join the BMEWS team.  That was a shock of the first order.  I was flattered and would be less then honest if I didn’t own up to that.  I was not sure I was up to it.  Mr. C. must have thought I was, and told me I’d do fine and if I had any questions I could always ask. 

I had never before had to cope with things too technical and if I did, I didn’t.
That is, I turned my back on things tech because I have a hard time grasping the idea. It’s all-new to me.  And it is true that it’s near impossible to teach an old dog new tricks.  It has been like returning to school and I didn’t care much for school.  I was mostly bored.  Well that sure isn’t the case here.  I was literally handed another life, in a manner of speaking.  And it began with that invitation from Mr. C.

And so it started.  With emails from me to him.  Hey Mr. Christian, how do I do this?
What happens if?  Where do I find?  How do I go about? Yadda,Yadda? 

I could just see and hear him after awhile saying,
“Oh Lord. What have I done?  Why me Lord?”

I have discovered how rewarding BMEWS is and also just how time consuming it can be.  Especially when you barely know what you’re doing and still learning the tech ropes. 

There are some very smart and very articulate people here and I do not kid myself that any one of them could easily replace me and BMEWS might be the better for it.

If any of you people think I take you for granted, think again.  No way.  I have the greatest respect for the people who populate this site with their insights and comments.  Even where I might question some comments, you folks have the knack to make me stop and question my own position and take a second look.  I might stick to my original thought but you made me dig a little more and forced me think more.
I cannot thank you all enough.

Ah … so now we come to the second troublemaker.  DREW!  He can write on any subject and really does know what he’s talking about.  The problem is, sometimes I don’t. LOL.  I’m pretty sure it was one of our two Christophers who once said it wasn’t a good idea to have anything liquid near a keyboard when reading Drew because often, out of the blue he will say something on some subject and in a way that starts unexpected laughter.  Usually while holding a cup of coffee or worse, a mouthful.  Drew is the chief engineer at BMEWS, the tech guy who keeps it up and running.  When Mr. Christian more or less withdrew to the background to tend to things like family and personal life, and also to escape my endless questions, guess who took his place?

He (Drew) is very tech savvy.  He’s even taken courses in things tech.  I could do that too.  Except I wouldn’t understand any of it.  From my years as a disk jockey at many radio stations in my working youth, I came to know a few chief engineers.  These are the guys who can read a schematic, know how everything is wired and are in fact so knowledgeable they could if they wanted to or had the money it takes, and some actually did, build their own radio stations.

Drew falls into that wizard category and here’s an example.  I once told Drew this after he answered one of my questions. I now share it with you.

If you were to ask a chief engineer what the time of day was, he’d tell you how to make the damn watch instead! So when I started to pepper Drew with questions, he started teaching me HTML.  Or tried to anyway.  Our emails went flying back and forth, I’m a first grader, no. Make that kindergarten, and he’s speaking Latin or maybe it was Greek, in replies. ??  Well it certainly was all Greek to me.  He finally got me books.  Thought he’d get rid of me that way.  Ha.  Boy have I got a surprise for him.  I have all these notes see, and a stack of questions just waiting for after the first of the year.

So Mr. Christian and Drew,
My special wishes to you and to your families for a Very Merry Christmas and my thanks as well for your continued patience.  I hope your holiday will be restful cause I’m gonna need that patience extended for another … oh … lifetime?

Finally, I can’t quit just yet because there are two others that I must thank.  One not with us and of course that is The Skipper

The other is a friend and he is Vilmar.  He too has answered questions I’ve struggled with, and done so with patience.  So, I thank him here publicly and wish he and his a wonderful Christmas.

It is amazing that so many people who are total strangers come together for no other reason then the desire to be helpful to one another.

So thanks to all of you, and to all I hope the New Year will be more then happy.  I hope it will be healthy as well.  Oh yeah. And safe.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/23/2008 at 03:36 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - December 13, 2008

Peiper gets new neighbors

Stoaty the WeaselBlogger has moved to Peiper’s corner of Jolly Old. Perhaps Steamy could arrange introductions? He is the perfect go-between.

Fans of Stoaty have known this move was coming for a long time. And they know it actually happened several weeks ago. But you don’t want to barge in on the new neighbors right away. Give them a chance to get settled in a little, sign up for milk delivery, and so forth. Then perhaps you try to “accidentally” run across them down at the market and make a polite overture. Don’t want to be too pushy you know.

But I somehow think they’d get along just fine. To quote the Stoat:

I have to be cute about the exact town, since that plus the name of the house (not really Badger House) is sufficient unto a mailing address. Houses with names are common here, but our whole neighborhood is houses that are named but not numbered. That’s just how special we are. I think I can safely say Sussex.

Heh heh. Weasel make funny. The county of Sussex is so wide that, for administrative purposes, it has been divided into West and East Sussex since the Twelve Century. Had to be, since you couldn’t ride a horse from one end to the other in a day.

The motto of Sussex is “We wun’t be druv” — which means I shall end my life as it began: in the company of stubborn, illiterate rednecks

Badger House is walking distance from the nearest good sized town and a few miles from the English Channel. On a clear day, we can stand on the shore and see France, but not well enough to get a missile lock.

Yup, just fine.


A very rough and approximate map.  Don’t use this for driving instructions.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/13/2008 at 02:08 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - December 07, 2008

RSS for the rest of us

Hey look, a web site that gives you links to all the blogs and other websites you’ve always meant to visit. Pretty cool. They do the RSS work so you don’t have to. I don’t think BMEWS made the cut, though I didn’t explore the place fully.


Politics left right and center. News commentary. Hollywood Gossip. Sports and Marketing on their way. Everything you ever wanted from the Internet other than porn and email.

Maybe they’ll have a bunch of the gun blogs when the Sports area gets finished. And I hope the milblogs are strongly represented too.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/07/2008 at 01:10 PM   
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calendar   Monday - December 01, 2008


This will take a bit of explaining and it’s all Drew’s fault because he got me to thinking about the subject.  In fact, this started out originally as a note to Drew
but as I wrote it I got to thinking more about THE BRAIN.

How it all started was getting tons of help with tech related things.  One or two may not have even had to do with BMEWS. Just tech in general.
So there was a flurry of emails from me to Drew asking how to do something, or else an email from me asking him to please translate into my language, just what he was talking about.  One does really need to be careful asking questions of those who are quite savvy when it comes to things tech.
They always understand exactly what they’re talking about.  People like me listen carefully and come away thinking, nah.  He’s kidding.  I know how it’s really done.  It all done with mirrors and magic and these tech folks just don’t want me to know the secret.  Cause then it wouldn’t be magic anymore.

I’m still amazed, truly I am, by what comes over that copper wire connected to our house. And now there’s some new miracle called fiber optic that’s supposed to be even better and it’s said faster.  More amazing to someone like me, there are actually people out there in the world who do really understand how it all works.  How do they do that?  Why do some take to something and suss it out, using a Brit expression, and others are left behind?
The Brain.

Well I’m glad I have that worked out now.

So, Drew dropped something in my lap for which I’m very grateful, and I feel a bit like a first grader being given an assignment at college level.



December 1st. ‘08

Look forward to the newest adventure in my life. BUT, ya know it really is true that the brain works in different ways with regard to subject matter.  Like, what makes some people math geniuses?  What makes some people really great wordsmiths?  There are those folks who are way, way out there and not at all in a bad way.  But they somehow comprehend the most incomprehensible to most of us mortals.

Einstein is a good example and of course there are others.  Something about how the brain works.
Why are some people chess masters and the rest of us hardly adequate?  My wife used to play chess on more then one board. And was a winner.  I was damn lucky to play on one.  I taught a cousin to play and was never able to beat her after that.  Something in the brain.  Something that works with some puzzles while others try to puzzle out the solution.  Many fail while a few succeed. 

It’s the very same with computers.  If I had another lifetime I still would never be able to do the wiz bang stuff Drew and Rancino do.  And btw, not all 13 year olds are computer whizzes.  It’s what each individual brain is easily receptive to that counts. 

When I was in the Navy we had a fellow in our division whose name I never learned because everyone just used his nickname.  Which was Moose. Really.  Very nice guy.  He was fairly big but so damned trusting and good natured that people got away with taking advantage of him.  But he was strong as an ox and if anything needed lifting and you were two men short, you’d call Moose cause he could generally pick it and you up all by himself.

Well, Moose it turns out liked Chess. Oh boy. Did he like that game.  The problem was, he didn’t really understand it.
See, Moose would read Chess books and Chess plays and then memorize the moves he read.  Moose could read a page in the phone book, hand it to you and tell you what he saw on the page.  Man what a gift.  But he could not play Chess.

What he did was memorize moves and no matter what you did to counter what he had done, he would continue to play out the moves he memorized right up to and including, CHECK MATE!  Game to you.  He just never cottoned on to the idea that unless you were playing the losing side in a book he was playing from, he didn’t stand a chance.

Ok so now you guys might think what jerk. He’s dumb.  Maybe.  But there were things he could work out that some others couldn’t.  True, Moose wasn’t a rocket scientist.  He could probably read a science book and memorize it without understanding a word.  I guess my long winded point is, there is something in one part of our brain that allows some to do things that others either find impossible or at least extremely difficult. 

OK .. enough of this.  With all that said:  Drew, I have this question.....?




Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/01/2008 at 09:52 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - November 30, 2008


I should have posted this a couple of days ago.  Could have fit right in with Drew’s Rosie post.
At the moment I’m angry with another fat cow on this side of the Atlantic (Sandi Toksvig) who fancies herself a wit.  Yeah,yeah, the old Americans are dumb thing.
She mentions a few loony tunes but makes it look as though the USA is made up of only that fringe.

To be expected of course as she’s a somewhat liberal Bush bashing Obama loving fat twit.  Gee I’m in a good mood.
Well, I was till I read her weekly column.  Seems like I always just have to see what folks are up to with regard to us and then regret the curiosity.
Must be a gift I have.

Ok so here a real laugh. 



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/30/2008 at 10:46 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - November 29, 2008



I’m sitting here listening to a pointless conversation.  Maybe not pointless to the ppl holding same.  But as this is the room my computer is in, I haven’t much choice. 

This won’t make much sense unless I explain.

In spite of being asked and then told a long time ago, there is this very well meaning old family friend and neighbor who still just, pops in.  Totally unexpected.

I have asked her in the past to please call first, as our situation here is no longer what it once was.  Naturally, the wife has to be sociable and offer tea.
And naturally, this idiot accepts and she’s been here almost an hour now.

So I’m sitting here being quite obvious by looking at the clock every now and then.  But our visitor just will not take the hint and go.

Our unexpected guest looks just exactly like the late Harpo Marx.  Who I never thought was funny btw.

She has ovarian cancer and somehow has managed to beat the damn thing and of course everyone feels sorry for her.  Except me I guess.  By beating the damn thing I don’t mean she shook it off. No. She has been taking courses of chemotherapy, has had operations and I owe her credit for being a fighter.  She was told she was dead over a year ago.

The thing is, the stupid cow does not listen to anything you try and tell her.
If I inform her that my wife really shouldn’t try walking this late and in this weather due to her arthritis, this old cow shrugs it off saying everyone needs exercise.  Oh well, at least she looks like she’s making ready to leave.  At last.  I think.  OK, ready, set , ?  No?

At least I got her to stop giving us huge flower arrangements.  I don’t know if she still does this but, she has a great eye for arrangements of flowers and once was doing the flower displays for Winchester Cathedral. And they do not let just anyone do that.  So, she had access to tons of flowers.  Which she felt compelled to share.  And it never mattered to her if you really didn’t want them.

Once, she brought over this huge display, it was beautiful, it also came off a casket after a funeral.

It was only after complaining a lot and explaining that all that flower stuff was causing more work for us, that she finally, after about a year, got the hint.
Wait. What hint.  I used to flat out tell her.  Hey,PLEASE, no more flowers.
But she ignored the request for a long time.  What do ya do with ppl like that?
Especially as she has been a very close friend for 40 years to the mil and by extension, the wife too.

The thing with people like that is, and I’m convinced of this, they aren’t bringing flowers (sometimes food we’ve had to throw away) for the people on the receiving end.  Oh no.

It’s done I believe to increase their own self esteem.  Look what good deed I’ve done today.  And unasked for as well.  Aren’t I just the cat’s whiskers?

WELL NO YOU ARE NOT. You are an extremely obnoxious, self aggrandizing egocentric know it all. You have a very shrill and annoying laugh as well.

Please just go away. 


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/29/2008 at 11:36 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - November 25, 2008


This happened some few weeks ago, but only now sharing it.  You might find it to be an interesting read.  I hope so.
For those who do not already know, but wonder perhaps what a homesick yank is doing here, the answer is easy.
I was dropped on my head as a baby.  Never recovered.

Excuses, excuses.  Wife (English) and I sold off everything including a home we’ll never replace in Palm Desert,CA., and moved to England in April of 2004.  April 28th to be very exact.  When we left beautiful Palm Desert from the parking lot of The Elephant Bar, a truly GREAT eatery, and I do mean truly great, the outside temp. was over 112. 

We arrived in London at Heathrow in the rain and it was 54. It was probably the coldest 54 I’d encountered in my memory. A damp chill I couldn’t shake was what I remember most about that dismal day.

The reason for the desertion of my mother country was because my wife considered (correctly) that her mother was too ill and too frail to live alone any longer.  She was worried that alone, she wouldn’t last out the winter.  And no, there wasn’t any way to take the old dog back to the states.

So then, not being able to move England’s last living witch to America, we moved here to care FULL TIME for Her Wrinkled Wretchedness.
The burden/curse on my wife has been beyond what I am able to describe except to say frankly that I am watching my wife of almost 39 years, commit suicide by mother.  It is fair to assume I resent that.  I might not had the poo factory been a different person and not as manipulative when she was in better health.  Or more co-operative when she could be.  I suppose I could have overlooked some small things about her. The protruding teeth, the piggy blue eyes, the ugliness etc.  But in the end I just couldn’t overlook how stupid she is.

And now here we are, and here’s an installment from our latest life chapter. 
Living with mummy.




Yeah really. Wife and I must be real evil doers.  What a crock.

We aren’t taking the old dear’s ill health very seriously. Or not seriously enough. 

Over the last week the poop parade (that’s the MIL) got another urinary infection for which the doctor was immediately called and medication was provided.

Then .... she started wheezing and I never heard a wheezy chest before this.  Then, she started hallucinating BIG time. What a surprise that was.

She’d look at you and her speech was restored to almost perfect BUT ... it wasn’t you she was seeing or talking to. Creepy. Went on ALL night too. But she seemed happy enough with whoever’s company she was in.

She’s answering questions and asking them and laughing and said she’d just returned from London where she spent the day and would like some tea please. WHHHHAAAAA HA!  I never, ever saw anything like this before.  SHE’S LOOKIN STRAIGHT AT YA BUT SEEING SOMEONE ELSE!  And having a conversation with them.

So ... 2wice a day there are these ppl who work for an agency that supply people called “care givers” who are paid by Social Services.  They are called Care Givers and most times they do.  The wife’s mother paid for these services until her savings went below the required threshold.  It was at that point that the govt. got involved and now pays for the diaper and bath brigade.  However, these are NOT nurses in any way.

Most of the women and young ladies are very experienced doing this sort of thing. Changing diapers and sheets and bedding etc.  Some have worked in SS themselves or in hospitals.  Some are VERY OFFICIOUS TROLLS who somehow think they are also doctors. Two of these unfortunately are a mother and her homely skinny daughter.  The mom is normally in the office but has to fill in, and she is in charge of making the weekly schedules. Which she always copies from week to week. 

Wish there were a way to really paint the picture better.  The mother NEVER listens and furthermore doesn’t talk to you but barks AT YOU in rapid fire with a hard screechy like voice. The kind of voice and accent you’ll generally hear after the pubs close. Not at all that nice English accent you hear in many movies. 

So anyway, the daughter (Troll #1) is here one morning and hears the old woman’s breathing which as I said was wheezy. She had a chest infection.
These care givers are more or less rotated which is to say, although we may get the same ones, it might not always be at the same time every day. Troll #1 for example only works about 3 days. She’s a hairdresser and works in a beauty shop three days a week. But mommy got her trained and on the payroll.  Now Troll #1 thinks she’s a doctor. 

Well, two doctors in three days came to the house to look at PeggyPoop and she was given medications.  One doctor said that with regard to the delusions, that wasn’t a big worry at her age. 93. He sees it a lot. 

Enter Troll #1 next morning who arrived with an attitude. As soon as she “flounced” in here, she started to rant about how cold the patient’s room is, and she’s white as a sheet (she wasn’t) and was gonna die of either hypothermia or pneumonia. (she’ll live forever damn it) We needed to heat the room better.  Well duh ... the silly Moonbat came in wearing a tee shirt and a jacket. It was very cold that morning.

The patient is under two wool blankets and another lighter blanket topped by a down cover.  A flannel nightie plus a bed jacket and bed socks. But Troll #1 is cold. uh huh. She claimed the room was so cold her nose and hands felt frozen.  Too bad it wasn’t her tongue. 

So, this overly officious 20 something is going on and on and I tried to tell her, in fact I did tell her, that there were 2 doctors here already and she was on meds. One of which was only started the day before.  How quickly did she expect them to work?

Next day we got a call from SS (Social Services), would we mind awfully if they came out to our house to see how the old lady was doing as they had a report from the care givers that not all was being done that could be done.  huh?  £”!!$%*^&^#

My wife killing herself doesn’t count of course.  Well, SS doesn’t bother us and of course they are welcome to check. But the idea that, according to that one little creep, that we weren’t taking her condition seriously enough had us seeing red.  What more can we do that the doctors aren’t doing?  So I gave the SS person on the phone a rundown of the conversation including the fact that docs HAD been here and she was on meds yadda,yadda.  I then said I knew exactly who called them and if she were a guy I’d seriously paste her to a wall.  (And oh by the way, in point of fact, the old poop factory was actually seen by not two, but three doctors over the course of 7 days for three different ailments.)

So ... the lady I spoke to said she would contact the agency and tell them not to send Troll #1 to this house anymore for which I thanked her.
But ... of course the mother is highly pissed off at us now. And she sets the schedules.

The next afternoon which was Thursday, the time for the next diaper change is 6pm and two carers come over and one is Troll #2, Mommy Dearest. 

Have you ever seen anyone who walked with an attitude?  That’s the mom, Troll #2. In she came wearing a face like thunder and a blinding lack of intelligence, doesn’t say a word but marches straight through to the room where the wife’s mother is.  No usual hallo or hi-ya. A face set in stone and not pretty to begin with. She’s angry. You can see it.
Understand it was her daughter who sicked SS on us. We defended ourselves successfully , and she’s upset with us.  Go figure.

Now then ... on the morning calls when they also body wash her and have more to do, they are scheduled for 45 minutes.  But the afternoon calls are scheduled for only 30 minutes.  Not all that time is needed and the care givers are in and out of here in 10 to 12 minutes. 15 TOPS.  One of them can do the afternoon change in 8 minutes. She’s that fast.

Ah but Thurs. was different.  Mommy Dearest care giver, Troll #2, and another carer were here for the full 30 minutes. FIRST TIME they have taken all the time scheduled.  After they left ... my wife took a look at their log book in which something is written every visit and what they did and found etc.

The wife looked at the logbook, and found that Troll #2 had written into the record that the pad under the patient was soiled and needed changing.  But that’s what they are here for.  They get paid to do that Why didn’t they do it? 

AT ALL OTHER TIMES if there is some sort of soiling of that pad (which usually lasts a week and DOES NOT generally come in contact with bad stuff) if that pad needs to be changed, the women always ask us for another pad. Always. It’s been that way for a couple years. All of a sudden, a spiteful and vindictive screechy voiced bow-wow tries to write something in the log thinking I guess that we don’t look at those. 
So I wrote something under her comment.

Finally ...  Friday at 10am we got a house visit from SS.  The rep. spent an hour and a half here and gave us a clean bill of health, not surprisingly.  By The Way …. we left the pad for SS to see.  It needed NO changing.
My bet is however, that we’re gonna have a scheduling problem soon.  Maybe not but these folks can get very difficult.  They do not like being questioned and complaints about scheduling or late visits are met with anger. 

STAY TUNED!  I think this is gonna get interesting.  But I hope not.


Medical services are free but the NHS contributions take a far higher sum out of a persons pay here then is done in say the USA with Soc.Security payments.  The mil started working full time when she was 14.  No SS then but it did begin in 1948 I believe.  There was a ten year period when she stayed at home raising her two kids as women did in those days.  But when her husband died she had to return to work and did so right to retirement age.
So she did pay her way during her working years.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/25/2008 at 08:43 AM   
Filed Under: • Blog StuffDaily LifeMedical •  
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calendar   Monday - November 24, 2008




After a long and successful run – the curtain is about to fall on one of the best sites in the blog world. 

THE OTHER SIDE OF KIM comes to a close on Nov.30, 2008.

The MC and lead personality in this highly acclaimed internet hit , Kim
du Toit is calling it quits and makes dark the stage he has occupied for the last seven successful years.

He does this without realizing apparently, that he is depriving his American audience of our right to pursue happiness (not to mention education in a world starving for same).  (note to peiper, call aclu. surely there’s a law somewhere they can make up.)

There will not says Mr. du Toit, be a revival.  He is adamant on that point.

Hard to imagine anyone filling his very large shoes.
Gone will be Weekend Women and Pre-Weekend Blahs, not to mention all those great reviews and editorials with regard to firearms and the education on that subject.  True, that last can be found anywhere I suppose.  But Kim made it personal, is the best way I can describe it.  He has a way with words I have enjoyed immensely. 

Knowledgeable and articulate on multiple subjects, an excellent guide in the blog world, Kim has selfishly decided he’d rather spend more time with his family and other personal endeavours, then with the family of fans that have adopted him.

I would encourage anyone not familiar with what I am talking about, if there are any of those out there, to hurry over to:
There’s just this week left.  After that, a very large hole in the world of Conservative blogs.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/24/2008 at 10:27 AM   
Filed Under: • Blog Stuff •  
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calendar   Tuesday - November 18, 2008


On my way to somewhere else I tripped over this.  There’s a quick 4second spot for Scotland, and then what we in states might call a PSA.
Do they still btw?  PSA, Public Service Announcement.

Well, I thought it was quite well done and a fun thing to watch, don’t be too quick to quit the video as there’s a small bit of reading at the end.

If I have one other comment to make I’d say it also works both ways re. the message.  You’ll see what I mean.

This video appeared in the morning Telegraph and other places as well I’m certain.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/18/2008 at 11:24 AM   
Filed Under: • Blog StuffFun-StuffMiscellaneous •  
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calendar   Saturday - November 15, 2008

The first colour photographs from the German front line during World War One.

A bit of interesting photographic history.

My posting will be light to non today.

There are 17 color photos at the link.

Hans Hildenbrand was one of 19 official German photographers documenting the war, but the only one to shoot in colour


Hildenbrand’s photos are mostly from Alsace and Champagne in 1915 and 1916

Here is the link to the other pictures.


Posted by peiper   United States  on 11/15/2008 at 09:21 AM   
Filed Under: • Blog StuffHistoryWar-Stories •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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